Pay Loans Online
Now it’s easier than ever to make your loan payments.
You can pay with your Freestone Credit Union account or
with a non-Freestone Credit Union debit card or bank/Credit union account.
Instructions to make a loan payment using a Non-Freestone Credit Union Debit Card or Bank/Credit Union Account:
Step 1: Log into your FCU Online Banking
Step 2: Click on the Transfers Tab
Step 3: Use the TRANSFER FROM Dropdown Menu to select ProPay Payment
Step 4: Use the TRANSFER TO Dropdown Menu to select the loan you want to pay
Step 5: Click the TRANSFER BUTTON
Step 6: Create your ProPay account
Step 7: After you complete the set-up for your ProPay account, you will be returned to your FCU menu.
Instructions to make a loan payment using your Freestone Credit Union Account:
Step 1: Log into your FCU Online Banking
Step 2: Click on the Transfers Tab
Step 3: Use the TRANSFER FROM Dropdown Menu to select the account you want to pay from
Step 4: Use the TRANSFER TO Dropdown Menu to select the loan you want to pay
Step 5: Enter the payment amount
Step 6: Click the TRANSFER BUTTON